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“Thank you very much for your support throughout this project, the lighting has made a great difference and we will also be saving money on our bills, so its win, win!”
Linda Baker, Westways Vending, Hailsham
Network Update – July 2013
Welcome to July’s Network Update. This month; LED case study, meet Carillion plc, carbon calculator for hotels, DECC funding for community energy, book your place at our next learning and networking breakfast event.
Energy Efficiency – In-House an On-the-Road – 17th July, Shoreham-by-Sea
We have three fantastic speakers lined up for our next Sustainable Business Breakfast in Shoreham-by-Sea. The Body Shop will share how they are improving the energy efficiency and sustainability of their stores, Greengauges will explore the benefits (and burdens) of implementing a CSR strategy and Iron Mountain will discuss how they have improved the fuel efficiency of their vehicle fleet.
Plus fresh coffee, bacon butties and a chance to introduce your business to the audience. £20, or £30 for two. To book your place please call 07807 588887 or email. View the event programme.
Case Study: LED Lighting at the National Badminton Centre
Serving up savings! LED lighting is being phased in at the National Badminton Centre in Milton Keynes. The energy saving lighting is expected to help Badminton England reduce its annual energy bill by almost £8,000.
As the total project will likely cost around £13,000, areas presenting the best payback periods are being upgraded first. Full case study.
Meet Carillion – 26th July Brighton
Carillion, the multi-national construction, facilities management and energy services company are looking to build their supply chain in the South East and are also competing to be the preferred Green Deal Provider of Sussex councils.
On the 26th July, 09:00 to 13:00, at the Jubilee Library in Brighton, local businesses are being given the chance to meet members of Carillion’s procurement team to find out their requirements of sub-contractors. The event is free of charge but booking is essential. Telephone: 07807 588887 or email. View full event details.
£15 Million DECC Funding for Rural Energy Projects
The Rural Community Energy Fund aims to help rural communities carry out feasibility studies into renewable energy projects, as well as help fund the costs associated with applying for planning permission. It is intended that projects will then be able to attract private finance to pay for actual installation. Full details.
Last but not least…
Tool to help hotels calculate carbon emissions – Download
Including measuring the impact of out-sourcing laundry.
Brighthelm Launch Green Hub – Full details
Flexible office space for organisations working in the sustainability and community sectors.
South Downs National Park seeks your views on Management Plan
View the draft plan and complete their survey:
Free Environmental Site Audits for West Sussex SMEs – Contact for details
For businesses wishing to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve environmental credentials. Contact us to arrange a resource efficiency specialist to visit your site. Funded by West Sussex County Council.
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